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Photography For Nonprofits

A great joy for me has been providing volunteer photography to nonprofits that are making a difference in the lives of children here in Georgia and around the world. All of these kids continue to be my inspiration and it's a privilege to be involved with these organizations that do so much for them, their families and their communities. 

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Based in Atlanta, GA, Kaleidoscope Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit that provides free education, water and life skills training to vulnerable communities and children worldwide. Kaleidoscope has established schools in Cambodia an India and serves over 1,000 children. What always amazes me about these kids is their smiles - so many smiles in the midst of difficult circumstances.

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Sunshine on a Ranney Day is a nonprofit organization based in Roswell, GA, that renovates homes for children with special needs using top of the line construction and design. Through partnerships and donors they provide no cost wheelchair accessible bathrooms, dream bedrooms and in-home therapy rooms. These kids are so resilient and amazing - click on their photos for a link to their stories and see their makeovers reveals!

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